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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Mint Street Celebration Day

Thank you to everyone who came to see us on Saturday at the Celebration of Mint Street Adventure Playground. The day was a great success and it was wonderful to see everyone taking part in the fantastic activities and making time to add comments and thoughts to the building consultation.

Learning some tips on balance and movement from the Parkour experts  


The guys from Parkour Generations had this to say about their experience working at Mint Street on Saturday:

"Mint Street is a great place for local young people to get into sports and physical activities, and we are always happy to support excellent charitable community organisations like this one. Children should always be encouraged to move, explore, play and learn about their potential, and spaces like Mint Street enable this for so many young people living in urban environments.

Thanks to everyone who helped make today such great fun, and we look forward to seeing everyone continuing to work on their movement ;)"

 Your comments on what we have heard from building users so far

Creating models with artist Karen Logan

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